Sunday 18 March 2012

Poster Pictures.

We took numerous photos of our characters that would be used for our poster picture/film magazine front cover and these are some of the shots I took with a member. This was an enjoyable task as it was not too demanding nor time consuming. However, we did have to take quite a few as the characters were not serious at times and were 'messing around'. We attempted a variety of postures and positioning, and we even attempted to take shots that were from serious to light-hearted ones. Although it seemed like it was an easy task, we did not know which pose would look the most effective and striking, therefore we (as a group) agreed that using an eye-level shot was the most prominent as it would catch the spectator's attention. When it came to positioning, we placed the two coloured boys and the two tall boys to go on opposite sides so it would look evened out.

Here are some of the pictures we took of the characters:

 This photo was taken during a scene when acting. I like this shot as it was taken from a scene therefore it has a sense of authenticity to it. This also reminded me of the Reservoir Dogs poster as they used a picture of the characters walking but in black and white. However, this photo would not be used for the poster as you are not able to clearly see all of the characters and you can not immediately distinguish who the main leader/character is as they wear similar suits and standing in a line.
 This photo goes without saying that it is not going to be used. Not only does this shot look amateur, but it also makes it obvious that the characters were not ready (I took random shots of them hoping I would achieve an authentic shot). Therefore this photo will not be used.
 This is also another shot I took randomly of the characters without their awareness. I like this shot as it creates a sense of authenticity to it as they are laughing, looking at each other and relaxed. This could suggest that they have no remorse to their actions and very laid back about it all. Although there is quite a lot of meaning to this picture, it will not be used as it does not conform to the recognisable gangster codes and conventions i.e. lighting (although it could be solved via PhotoShop).
This shot was probably the best shot. Not only do they look serious, but the way in which they are positioned, makes them all stand out and you can also tell who the main leader is.

This shot is very similar to the one above. 

This photo will not be used as the character on the left has his eyes shut and the way in which the character that is positioned (second on the left), he is covering the one on the far left making him look insignificant which is not what we want to achieve. We had a discussion as to whether we liked the idea of the character sitting on the wall as we wanted to reflect his age and that he is 'little man' which emphasises his lack of seriousness, but we came to the conclusion that gangsters would not act like as they are wearing expensive suits.

This photo is unfortunately unusable. Although you can immediately identify who the leader is and that the prop is used that relates to the title (Grow Your Own), the character on the far left was not ready.

1 comment:

  1. Some clear and relevant analysis of your choices and you create a good argument for the photo you have chosen. Compare to real gangster film posters, especially with regard to the poses, costumes and props you have chosen to use.
    Relate it to your target audience.
    Mrs H
