Friday 10 February 2012

Pre-filming evaluation.

We plan to start filming during the half term because it is the only time where we will be able to get together and take advantage of the sunlight. We did not film during school time because there is barely any sunlight after 5 so we wouldn’t have enough time to get much or any done, it also doesn’t help that a couple of us have work around that time too. Thus, filming during the half term and making sure we take the full advantage of it, I am confident that we will be able to get most or even all of it done.

If the filming will be finished as expected/planned, it would allow us to start editing when we get back to school. For example: the soundtrack, we would know when to add intense music and when the music needs to be calm and relaxing.


  1. It is absolutely vital that you get on with your filming now; time is running out!
    Mrs H

  2. I have already made a plan on what we are going to film today. So I am confident that we are going to film all of the shots needed.
