Wednesday 16 November 2011

14th November.

We were told to work in our group in order to do some research and plan on what we were going to do for our media project. We looked into a number of diverse film trailers and genres. At first we were set on doing a genre with a hybrid of Romance/Drama as we looked into trailers such as 500 Days of Summer, P.S I Love You, The Notebook, and more. The key elements that inspired us the most into doing it were the editing techniques such as the slow pace cuts, the non-diegetic music, and the voiceover. We also liked the idea of flashbacks in the trailer.

After brainstorming ideas on a romance themed trailer we had ideas on the:

· Location – London, as we agreed that it would be a better setting so it would conform to the genre (e.g. Big Ben, London Eye, Trafalgar Square).
· Actors – attractive white couple, girl with long blonde hair and boy with muscles. This is because it conforms to the stereotypical couples in films and also because it is like the American Dream – to be ‘perfect’ and happy.
· Storyline – we had a rough outline, although we were a little indecisive as we all had great ideas so we found it difficult to piece it all together so everyone had a say.

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